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SEPTEMBER 26, 2024
We welcome a new Domme from Arizona!
JULY 5, 2024
A new studio is listed in Florida, US!
JUNE 12, 2024
A new shop has joined us!
JUNE 10, 2024
Say hello to a new Mistress from Florida!
JUNE 5, 2024 is 6 months old today!

What we've accomplished so far:

  • 97 professionals representing 26 states in the US
  • 1 Domme representing NSW, Australia
  • 1 Mistress representing Greater London, UK
  • 2 Dommes representing Île-de-France, France
  • 1 Domme representing Ontario, Canada
  • 8 shops
  • 5 studios
  • Increase of followers on Twitter/X
  • SEO continues to improve and we are competitive with all other major directories:
  • Ranking for "BDSM Professionals" is #1 on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Ranking for "BDSM Directory" is #1 on Google, ahead of all other US directories
  • Google ranking for "FemDom directory" is  #7
  • Google ranking for "Mistress directory" and "Dominatrix directory" are #8
  • Google Analytics 30-day report: our impressions were almost 3500, our click through is 438, and our top three search queries are "BDSM directory", "BDSM professionals", "Dominatrix directory". Excellent!
  • over 14,000 visitors from around the world!
MAY 29, 2024
We welcome another Domme from Pennsylvania!
MAY 9, 2024
Another Mistress from Florida joins us!
APRIL 25, 2024
We welcome a Lady from Washington DC!
APRIL 18, 2024
A new shop is now listed!
APRIL 13, 2024
Introducing EVENTS! A page has been added to announce events pertinent to the BDSM Professional community. See the Events page for info about the listings and Get Listed to add your event!
APRIL 8, 2024
We welcome another Mistress from Virginia!
APRIL 5, 2024
A Mistress has turned the lights on in Delaware! is 4 months old today!

What we've accomplished in 4 months:

  • 92 professionals representing 26 states in the US
  • 1 Domme representing NSW, Australia
  • 1 Mistress representing Greater London, UK
  • 2 Dommes representing Île-de-France, France
  • 1 Domme representing Ontario, Canada
  • 7 shops
  • 5 studios
  • Promotion with engagement on Twitter/X
  • SEO continues to improve and we are competitive with all other major directories:
  • Ranking for "BDSM Professionals" is #1 on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Ranking for "BDSM Directory" is #2 on Google, ahead of all other US directories
  • Goggle ranking for "FemDom directory"and "Dominatrix directory" are #10
  • Google Ranking for "Mistress directory" is #13
  • Google Analytics March report: our impressions were over 1700, our click through is 275, and our top three search queries are "BDSM professionals", "BDSM pros" and "FemDom directory". This is great!
  • close to 11,500 visitors from around the world!
MARCH  31, 2024
Listed pros have reported that they've started receiving bookings from people who found them on our directory!
MARCH  28, 2024
We welcome another Mistress from California!
MARCH  27, 2024
A new shop had been added!
MARCH  21, 2024
Another shop added to our directory!
MARCH 16, 2024
A Mistress has joined us and turned on the lights in Virginia!
MARCH 10, 2024
California graces us with another Domina!
MARCH 8, 2024
We welcome another Domina from California and another shop!
MARCH 7, 2024
2 new shops have joined us!
MARCH 4, 2024 is 3 months old today!

What we've accomplished in 3 months:

  • 87 professionals representing 24 states in the US
  • 1 Domme representing NSW, Australia
  • 1 Mistress representing Greater London, UK
  • 2 Dommes representing Île-de-France, France
  • 1 Domme representing Ontario, Canada
  • 2 shops
  • 5 studios
  • Joined Twitter/X
  • Ranking for "BDSM Professionals" is #1 on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Ranking for "BDSM Directory" is #2 on Google, ahead of all other US directories
  • close to 9,800 visitors from around the world!
FEBRUARY 27, 2024
Another Domme from Washington joins us!

FEBRUARY 24, 2024
A welcome to another Mistress from California!
FEBRUARY 14, 2024
We have joined Twitter/X! Please follow us there!
A Mistress from Illinois has joined us!
FEBRUARY 12, 2024
We welcome our first Domme from Oregon!
FEBRUARY 1, 2024
A Mistress from Louisana joins us!
JANUARY 31, 2024
We welcome a Goddess from Texas!
JANUARY 29, 2024
Welcome to a Mistress from Florida, two Dommes in California, and a Goddess in New York!
JANUARY 28, 2024
Another Domme has joined us from California!
JANUARY 19, 2024
We welcome another Mistress from Washington DC!
JANUARY 16, 2024
A heads up: Don't expect many updates for at least the rest of January. I put my own career largely on hold to get this project off the ground and now I need to catch up.
I will, of course, make sure anyone who completes a listing is added, but I won't be doing much else for the time being. I greatly appreciate any help with:
  • recruitment
  • promotion
I just don't have the time to reach out to people individually or advertise right now. If you know a Domme, sub, switch, studio, craftsperson, store who would be a good fit for the site, please let them know about us!
I'm hoping to be able to redirect some of my energy here in a couple weeks.
For the time being, I have lowered the listing fee back to 10 USD for a year to make up for it.
JANUARY 14, 2024
California pulls into the lead as we are joined by another Goddess, and also another Domme from Texas!
JANUARY 12, 2024
We welcome a Domme from Washington DC who has also turned the lights on in Maryland!
JANUARY 9, 2024
From this point forward I'm only going to update when there are more significant changes to the site. You can assume that most days I will be doing some kind of development, so I don't need to mention that every day.
JANUARY 8, 2024
More development: layout, for desktop/laptop and mobile. SEO tweaking. Also, promo. Anyone who wants to support the project with promo is very much appreciated.
JANUARY 7, 2024
We welcome another Mistress from New York! New York is now tied with California with 11 pros!
Some Google analytics for our first month: We had about an average of about 8 impressions in search results per day, about 35% of those were clicked; we had a low bounce rate, outperforming 93% of similar sites; and an average search position of 7. This is excellent for a brand new site!
JANUARY 6, 2024
More SEO and development!
JANUARY 5, 2024
The lights are now on in Minnesota as we welcome our first Domme from the state!
JANUARY 4, 2024
More SEO tweaking and other site development.
JANUARY 3, 2024
We welcome another Mistress from New York who is also available in Florida! And a studio in CA!
JANUARY 2, 2024
More SEO tweaking and other site development.
JANUARY 1, 2024
We welcome our first Domme from Canada, lighting up Ontario! is 1 month old today!

What we've accomplished in the first month:

  • 68 professionals representing 20 states in the US
  • 1 Domme representing NSW, Australia
  • 1 Mistress representing Greater London, UK
  • 2 Dommes representing Île-de-France, France
  • 1 Domme representing Ontario, Canada
  • 2 shops
  • 4 studios
  • 3 travel notifications on our new Bulletin Board
  • Ranking for "BDSM Professionals" is #1 on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo
  • Ranking for "BDSM Directory" is #8 on Google, ahead of some other major directories
  • over 5,000 visitors
  • a steady flow of traffic from around the world
  • organic web search hits -- already!

DECEMBER 31, 2023

Another Domme from California has joined us! That keeps them in the lead with 11 pros! Also, we welcome 3 Dommes and a Goddess from Massachusetts, the latter who is also available in Nevada; a Domme from Texas, a Mistress from NC, 2 Mistresses and a Goddess from New York, a Domme from AZ, our first Monarch turning the lights on in Indiana, and a special welcome to our first Sir, who is in Pennsylvania!

This has been our busiest day thus far with a warm welcome of 13 new pros!

DECEMBER 30, 2023

We welcome another Domina and studio in France!

Our SEO continues to improve! For "BDSM Professionals" we are now #1 on Google, along with the other major search engines! For "BDSM Directory" we are now #8 on Google! This places us ahead of other major directories.

DECEMBER 29, 2023

Bonjour la France! Our first French Domme has joined us! And more Mistresses from Georgia, California, Ohio, and Nevada!

I really want people to see when a pro is going to be in their area as it could be missed on the Tour page. So, I'm going to try a probably very temporary idea of manually adding touring pros to the location they will be visiting. This could quickly get out of hand and become difficult for me to manage so I will be working on a fast way for a pro to be added when travel plans are announced. That said, I have added the two Dommes to their destination states! This means Tennessee is now lit up!

DECEMBER 28, 2023

The lights are on in Ohio as we welcome our first Domme! And we have another Goddess from New York who is also available in MA and our first for DC!

Lots of people asking to be listed today!

DECEMBER 27, 2023

More SEO work: We are now #13 for "BDSM Directory" on Google.

DECEMBER 26, 2023

I made several improvements to the appearance of the site for mobile users.

DECEMBER 25, 2023 is 3 weeks old today!

What we've accomplished so far:

- 51 Pros representing 18 US States
- 1 Domme from NSW, Australia
- 1 Mistress from Greater London
- 2 shops
- 3 studios
- Our first tour posted on the brand new Bulletin Board
- Rankings for "BDSM Professionals": #2 on Google, #1 on DuckDuckGo, #1 on Bing, #1 on Yahoo (more work to be done!)
- Steady flow of international traffic to the site, including visitors who have come back several times
- beginnings of hits from organic web searches

A Dominatrix from Washington and a Mistress from Arizona have joined us

DECEMBER 24, 2023

The lights are now on in the UK as we welcome our first Mistress from Greater London!

I added a simple way for all listed pros to post their tour info on the site. Please try it out! (I'll be playing around with it to improve its appearance when I have more time.)

One more week to get the Originatrix rate of only 10 for a year!

DECEMBER 23, 2023

I've been getting some duplicate requests to be listed. I noticed they are coming in about a minute after the other. I guessed that it was because people weren't seeing the confirmation text beneath the form, thought it didn't go through, and submitted it again. So, I added a confirmation pop-up instead. Won't be missing this one!

I've also been doing some tweaks to improve user experience and our site's ranking.

DECEMBER 22, 2023

A Domme has joined us and lit up Connecticut!

Our SEO continues to improve! For "BDSM Professionals":
#2 on Google, #1 on DuckDuckGo, #1 on Bing, and #1 on Yahoo.
It's a good start. There's more work to be done, however!

DECEMBER 21, 2023

We welcome a Dominatrix from Illinois who is also available in Texas and Michigan (our first for that state), a Goddess from Texas, a Goddess from Nevada, a Lady from New York, and two Mistresses from California! That brings California into the lead with 9 pros!

We received a notification telling us that that "your good SEO work is paying off...someone just clicked on in Google search results. This is a major achievement." Woot! Our SEO is working! Go us!

DECEMBER 20, 2023

A new Goddess from New Jersey and Lady from Arizona have joined us!

I changed the format of the Question & Answer page. The translator was not able to get around the coding for the previous format. I want people to be able to read it in their own language to keep this site accessible, so I changed it to just plain ol' text.

I added a teaser (or nudge) for Europe. I have had providers from France and Germany ask to be listed but have not followed through. I thought I'd  publish what I'd prepared in hopes it will inspire some to join us! (Not all
countries are listed yet!)

DECEMBER 19, 2023

Washington is on the map with our first Domina!

In my hope of making the site more globally accessible, and attracting providers from around the world, I added a button in the header to take you to Google Translate for websites. This allows you to enter in the URL of the page you're on and select what language you'd like it to be in.

An example: - In Japanese
To fully integrate automatic translation into a site on my end will take more serious development and potentially much more serious cost. This does not make sense for where the project is at right now. You may also be able to download a plugin for your browser which will automatically translate pages you visit.
DECEMBER 18, 2023 is two weeks old today! In that short time we've been able to accomplish:
- 34 pros representing 15 US states
- 1 pro from NSW, Australia
- 2 shops
- 3 studios
- Indexed in Google
- Ranked 6th for "BDSM Professionals" in Google
- steady international traffic, including several returning visitors
(We have several more providers who have requested placement on the site, including those from other countries, but they have not completed the listing process.)
Another Domme from Massachusetts has been added!
DECEMBER 17, 2023
We have our first Domme from Arizona! And another BDSM studio!
2 more weeks to get in on the Originatrix rate of only 10 USD for an entire f'n year!
DECEMBER 16, 2023
We have our first Dommes in Massachusetts and another new Mistress available in both South and North Carolina! And three more FemDoms from California! This brings California in the lead with 7 pros!
I'm seeing several people returning from bookmarks. Some who have their local area bookmarked. They're coming back to look for you, so if you're not in the directory yet, send a request!
DECEMBER 15, 2023
We have our first Mistress from Texas and Miss from Colorado! And a switch from Pennsylvania and Dominant from North Carolina!
Another BDSM studio and shop have been added!
The SEO is already working. When you search for "BDSM Professionals" on Google we're number 6! More search words will take time.
DECEMBER 14, 2023
More FemDoms from Florida and Georgie have joined our community!
Florida is currently in the lead with 6 Dominants!
DECEMBER 13, 2023
New Dommes from New York and California have joined us! And our first submissive from Nevada!
DECEMBER 12, 2023
More Dominants from Florida and Georgia! First double-listing for a FemDom in Florida and New York!
We're over 2000 visits! This is an excellent daily average.
More kinky friends from around the world, including new visits from Guatemala, Peru, Guyana, Guernsey, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, South Africa, Austria, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Maldives, China, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam!
DECEMBER 11, 2023
We have our first Domme from North Carolina! And another has joined us from New York!
Traffic continues to flow in from all over the world, regularly throughout the day!
DECEMBER 10, 2023
Another California Dominant has joined us!
We're getting traffic from all over the world: US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Bulgaria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, and more!
DECEMBER 9, 2023
Day 6 and over 1500 visitors as of this aftermoon! Some of our visitors have come back multiple times. So they are keeping on eye on who is here!
Another Georgia Domme has joined us and now California is on the map! Also, our first BDSM studio!
Added page for Tours. If all goes well in our first year "trial run" I'll add a dynamic page that will allow providers to add their tour info for visitors. For now, I'm linking to our forum on FetLife, where I have added stickies for people to post tour info. This will make is very easy for people to find out who might be in their area and connect with a Dominant, submissive, or switch
DECEMBER 8, 2023
The site has been live for only 5 days and we're fast approaching 1500 hits. Lots of referrals, so word is getting out. If you want to help get the word out please mention the directory in your website, tweet, toot, post, journal entry, etc. And provide people a link -- -- to find us. If you a pro, please reach out to your local colleagues to let them know about us. And then encourage them to get listed!
Another FemDom from New York has been added! And our first kinky craftsperson and merchant!
Unfortunately, I've had to decline some people who have requested to be included in the directory. The number one reason is that they offer some type of escorting. Please read the stuff I wrote on the GET LISTED page so you have an idea what kind of providers we're looking for.
DECEMBER 7, 2023
We hit 1,000 visitors at 7pm Eastern tonight! That's terrific for only being live for 4 days and not yet having SEO placement. One thing I see on the traffic reports is people coming back and checking for updates. So, people are definitely interested! Get yourself added so they can find you!
We have our first pro and submissive from Louisiana!
Someone must have posted something to Instagram. We started getting several hits referred from it.
I'm personally getting quite a lot of referrals from the site already! This means our visitors are interested and checking out who's here.
I added a page for questions and answers. I'm already having people ask me some of these questions, so hopefully this will cut down on that.
DECEMBER 6, 2023

More work on the SEO. This is a process and takes time.


Our first pro and switch from Illinois, and new Dominants from New Jersey and New York!

Some Twitter/X advertising courtesy of Ms. Skyler Grey of Philadelphia is bringing in a fantastic amount of traffic. We're already at over 500 visitors and it's only been about 58 hours since I hit "publish"!

I added this updates page.

I would like to add a touring and education section. Just trying to think of the logistics of implementation for something dynamic. I could of course add everything myself, which could work for now, but it could potentially get out of hand. I am a full-time Domme myself and have to make sure I can manage it all. And by manage I mean kick its ass. I don't like to do anything unless it's done well. ;)

We have our first Domme from New South Wales, Australia!

DECEMBER 5, 2023


I made an adjustment to the primary domain. It's now instead of I thought it sounded better. Though the other domain will still work and refer to this one, please update your links.

I reduced the cost for listings for the first year. Until the end of 2023 a listing is just 10 USD/year. This includes up to three separate listings, whether additional locations (please don't spam, though) or if you rent a/your dungeon, are a craftsperson, or have a store. As of January 1, 2024 listings will increase to 25 USD/year. Of course, you are welcome to donate above and beyond that. It will go toward my work and development of this site.

We have more Dommes added from Florida and Georgia!

I added Dungeon and Store pages.

I have completed indexing with Google and am working on the site's SEO. The site has only been live for less than 24 hours and we have about 200 visitors so far. This is excellent for a brand new site!

DECEMBER 4, 2023 is live! After the cessation of listings for BDSM providers on a longtime, popular adult site, I created this space to help fill the gap. My goal is to focus more intently on those of us who exclusively and more seriously provide BDSM/kink, rather than our being a token addition to an escort site or otherwise being added along other types of providers which can sometimes confuse and dilute our potential clientele. A sigh of relief, mes amis, this  directory is BDSM/kink only!

I also want this site to be a resource for more than just our potential clients. I want it to be a place for us pros to find studio rentals, craftspeople and stores who sell wardrobe, furniture, and gear than we can use in our work.

We have our first FemDoms listed in Pennsylvania!

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